Wednesday, January 12, 2011

poetry annotation

Acts of Love

by Pam Rehm
Pam Rehm
If endear is earned
and is meant to identify   
two halves

then it composes   
one meaning

which means   
a token

a knot   
a note

a noting in the head   
of how it feels

to have your heart   
be the dear one
  I chose this poem because it's saying that love is more complex then everyone thinks , this poem is a way of saying that love isn't just a toy or something to play with i mean does anyone really know what loves true definition is ? . I'm pretty sure no one knows but we all have a definition of love but none are the same . I think this poem shows that love is meant to be taken seriously and its not a token . within this poem I believe its trying to say that love is rich and meant to be cherished and its not  something to give without thinking about it first , if you give love then you have to be assure of it and not just love because it makes you a better person inside . I believe that love has a dark side and if you give love away then it's kinda pointless . I could relate this poem to the song last Christmas by wham  because it has a similar meaning .In this song hes saying that he gave love and that person didn't want love and in this poem hes saying that it takes two too love and that love isn't love if that person doesn't love you.

1 comment:

  1. This poem is really sweet and it reminds me of my specila someone lol
